By Ayelet Estreicher
Film director and counselor and lecturer in the Yemima Method for consciousness awareness
Elazar, Israel
Originally published in the Israeli Gush Etzion weekly, Gush Arba.
To mark the 50th issue of this magazine I thought it appropriate to raise awareness about an important subject. If your grandparents are celebrating their 50th anniversary this would be an excellent time to speak with them and to honor them by listening to what they have to say.
When my grandparents passed away I was too young to follow the advice I am proposing here, but, fortunately, together with my husband, Elie, I was able to seize an opportunity to do just that with Elie’s grandmother, Esther Gittel, who recently celebrated her 97th birthday (May G-d continue to grant her a long and healthy life.).
The movie, Yiddishe Nachas, we filmed in November of 2008 at the time of Grandma’s 96th birthday, and we finished editing it in time for her 97th. Equipped with a camera, a microphone and much trepidation we arrived at Elie’s aunt’s house in Chicago where we were greeted by Grandma who had flown in from Cleveland to participate in a family simcha.
Esther Gittel, my husband’s grandmother and my children’s great grandmother, I had always viewed as warm and friendly, but through the eye of the camera I suddenly discovered a very special person. She was independent and creative with a vibrant sense of humor and a love of life that made her optimistic about the future.
I was also impressed by her personal warmth and her pronounced feelings of gratitude for her life, her family, her lost partner (“Zaida”) and the joy she felt privileged to have from her three children and from her many grandchildren and great grandchildren. When we asked what advice she had for the future generations she answered, “You don’t really preach to your children, at least not in our family…You hope that you set a personal example for a good, comfortable life. You don’t have to be rich, It’s a good idea to take an active part in the community. You don’t have to be more than the next person, and don’t brag about being better than him.
So, what should you do? Why and how? Talk to those near and dear to you. Start today and hear their life stories first hand. Discover their many experiences and impressions, and, especially, learn from their life experiences – that is the greatest gift we can give to ourselves and to them.
The very fact that a grandchild, a son or a daughter invests the time in serious conversation is a worthwhile gift in and of itself, and if you are already talking why not record it all on videotape for the rest of the family and future generations to enjoy?!
You don’t have to be a director or professional photographer, you don’t need the best camera there is, and you don’t need a big budget to edit the film. Right now, the important thing is to start talking and to start filming. You can always organize and edit your film later, though your star player will certainly be anxious to see the results.
As we were filming, and, particularly, during the interviews (done over several days each lasting 2 hours), we learned new and, often, entertaining information about the family. This was always interesting with a large sprinkling of wisdom learned of a lifetime. I recommend, with all my heart, that you prepare a list of questions which includes not only the more obvious basic requests for genealogical and factual data relating to several generations, but don’t forget to add more probing questions such as “Upon what values did you raise your children?”, “What is your message for future generations?”, “What in your life would you have done differently?”, “What makes you happy?”, and others as far as your imagination will take you.
When editing the film you can include material from other sources. For example, in this film we were delighted to add rare 8 mm. clips from Grandma’s wedding in 1938 and from her 50th wedding anniversary.
Near the end of the film Grandma, Esther Gitttel, said she knows many people much younger than herself who always complain about various aches and pains, but she recommends to them all to adopt an optimistic approach to life. “Even when life is difficult or uncomfortable, be happy about the good that you have, and hope for better times.”
May we all be fortunate to be able to talk with those most dear to us, and may we not forget until it is too late and we can only talk about the person.
All the best, long life and happiness to you and your family, and remember that you can consult with me on any film you are planning,
Film: “Yiddishe Nachas” – U.S.A. and Israel 2009, Documentary / life story
Direction, filming and editing: Ayelet and Elie Estreicher
Direction, filming and editing: Ayelet and Elie Estreicher